Thursday, June 19, 2014



Close your eyes for a few seconds... then open them again. While your eyes were closed, did you notice anything or see something? --A light? Patterns? An image? Or even a situation created? If you did, that natural phenomenon is called PHOSPHENE. It is from the Greek words phos, meaning light, and phainein, meaning to show.

Phosphene differentiates the experience by seeing a light without a light actually entering into our eyes. It can be directly induced naturally (by our thoughts), mechanically (by electrical or magnetic stimulation), or by psychedelic drugs (no need to give examples... we all know what those are! --intoxicants that poison the mind and give hallucinations to those who are imprisoned by that element).

But the most common phosphene are produced by our thoughts, whether positive or negative. If someone wants something, she or he thinks of it and eventually might get it. For instance, children's thoughts revolve around new toys until their parents buy those toys for them. Adults usually think of less trivial matters, such as relationships, jobs, making ends meet, etc. In the blink of an eye, we begin to produce an array of thoughts from worrying about our children to planning a date with a girlfriend to wanting change in our country to what to cook for dinner to pondering what comes after death.

Feelings of anger, fear, lust, anxiousness, or other distressing factors can also manifest as phosphene. A child may be afraid of sleeping alone in his room believing that there's a monster in the closet. He thinks that if he closes his eyes the monster will appear before him. Sometimes, we think of things we are afraid of, just to overcome that fear, or just to prepare ourselves for what we may experience in the near future. Others want to pour out the emptiness of their fantasies. 

Some say that phosphene is a transition from dream to reality. Phosphene could be a plan for the next step you will take in life, or just a creation of a simple thought that could manifest in the future, whether good or bad. It's somewhat like karma, or the law of action and reaction. If you do good, good comes back; if you do bad... and so on. It's just like when you meditate on something really bad, there's always a possibility that it might happen. And the same goes for good things! 

But what really matters is that the more you think of your goal, the more motivation arises... and success awaits to you.



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